Ghostie Animation


 Boy did this took a long time! Here's the damn thing:

Edit: Google took down the original video in the, and I found out how to embed it with Mega, in case someone doesn't want to download it. (Just checked it out, heyyy it works. Yeah! Science, bitch!)


I'm sorry this took so long, but it was a mix of overthinking things, and not knowing how to work with ToonBoom at pretty much, everything. This is not really the first time I animate something, but it is the first time doing something so long (it's not even one minute and it's not that good!).

I won't lie, there was some amount of procrastination mixed in this, which helped me dealing with the stress of trying to understand new software and such. I pulled my hair of many times in different moments of the making of this, but I'm glad I did (mostly I'm glad it's DONE).

Talking with a friend I toyed with the idea of doing a follow up animation to Hollow Knight's comic, and I went through a bunch of software. Like After Effects, for some reason I though I could animate with it.

So yeah, horrible.

Continuing, I tried to install Animate, gave it up since it makes me install adobeeverything, and went to the next thing, ToonBoom.

Here's a progress on how I did things:

I could've posted steady uploads but I always feel like that would spoil the end product.

(mfufu, a legion of mothgrannies doing boobjobs)

Here's some other stuff that delayed this, because as always, I overthink stuff, and end up messing it.

This was the original plan, a POV of the Ghost, thought it was to boring and I ended up throwing it away, not before spending a good amount of time on it, thinking something could come out of it.

Then again, as in this next animation, all of this served at least to learn the ropes with ToonBoom.

I have the feeling a lot of people is going to ask why this and that, "why didn't you include that animation?" or why didn't add another thing. I thought of adding many things, and the more details I thought of, more work, more things I had to make work and more TIME this ended up taking.

Like I've said before, the worst thing I did with this is overthinking it, wanted to do more and more stuff. As simple as it is, I had to lot of stuff.

Anyway, at the end of the day, I'm more comfortable with not thinking much about things, power through quickly on works, and getting things DONE.

Thank you very much for your attention, and if you follow me, for you support.

I probably could've done without you, but I'd have no one to show it to.




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